Contest University
Hope Hotel
Thurs, May 15, 2025
Wright Patterson AFB, OH USA
Contest University
See you on
May 15, 2025

2024 Dayton Contest University “CTU” – COURSE OUTLINE – 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM

7:00 ALL ROOMS – Student Registration and Contest Buffet Breakfast – ALL – 60 minutes
8:00 ALL ROOMS – Welcome to CTU 2024 – K3LR, W8CI & N9JA – ALL – 10 minutes
8:10 ALL ROOMS – It’s our Radiosport Game – Let’s Play Fair – K5ZD – ALL – 40 minutes

9:00 CONTEST TOPIC SESSION #1 – attend ONE of 4 sessions – 60 minutes
ROOM 1 – Optimizing the Use of Waterfall Displays for Contesting – N6TV
ROOM 2 HF Propagation Tips to Improve your Competitiveness in Contests – W3LPL
ROOM 3 – Feeding and Detuning Towers – N0AX
ROOM 4 – Contesting Fun on That “Other Mode” RTTY – W0YK

10:00 ALL – *CONTEST SNACK* – 15 minutes

10:15 CONTEST TOPIC SESSION #2 – attend ONE of 4 sessions – 60 minutes
ROOM 1 – How to Integrate Youth Operators in Multiop Contesting – KE8LQR and K8LG
ROOM 2 – Station Improvements to Improve your Competitiveness in Contests – W3LPL
ROOM 3 – Success Strategies for Remote & Hybrid Multiop Contesting – W1VE
ROOM 4 – Contesting Fun on That “Really Other Mode” FT8/FT4 – W0YK

11:20 CONTEST TOPIC SESSION #3 – attend ONE of 4 sessions – 55 minutes
ROOM 1 – Next Level Contesting; Making the Move to SO2R – K5ZD
ROOM 2 – Antenna Improvements to Improve your Competitiveness in Contests – W3LPL
ROOM 3 – Using Automation in Your Contest Station – Techniques and Recommendations – N6TV
ROOM 4 – Busting Contesting Myths to Get Started in RadioSport – K8ZT

12:15 ALL ROOMS – *CONTEST LUNCH* – ALL – 35 minutes

12:50 ALL ROOMS – 2024 Eye Ball Sprint Contest “LIVE” – ALL – 10 minutes – K1DG
1:00-1:35 ALL ROOMS – The Road to WRTC2026 in the United Kingdom – M0DXR

ROOM 1 –    As determined by *vote 1
ROOM 2 –    As determined by *vote 2
ROOM 3 –    As determined by *vote 3
ROOM 4 –    As determined by *vote 4

2:40 CONTEST OPEN DISCUSSION Q&A GROUPs Attend ONE of 4 sessions – 30 minutes
ROOM 1 – The World of QRP Contesting – K8ZT
ROOM 2 – Feeding and Detuning Towers – N0AX
ROOM 3 – Remote Station Ideas and Q&A – W1VE
ROOM 4 – Tower Safety – W3YQ

3:15 CONTEST OPEN DISCUSSION Q&A GROUPs Attend ONE of 4 sessions – 30 minutes
ROOM 1 – SO2R and Station Design Q&A – K5ZD
ROOM 2 – How to Improve Your Station – Better Contest Results – W3LPL
ROOM 3 – Digital and RTTY Contesting – W0YK
ROOM 4 – Antenna/Tower Reliability – W3YQ

3:45 ALL – *CONTEST SNACK* – 15 minutes

4:00 ALL ROOMS – Are you Considering a New Radio? Is My TX Clean? – NC0B – ALL – 50 minutes
4:50 ALL ROOMS – 2024 CTU Survey & Eyeball Sprint Results – K3LR & K1DG – ALL – 10 minutes

CTU students will vote for 4 topics/classes that they missed and would like to have presented again – the top 4 WANTED by vote – will RERUN in this time slot. 

Thanks to KA9FOX and for donating the web design and web hosting services to CTU! Web and Email Hosting
Platinum Sponsors

ICOM America

Additional Sponsors

The YASME Foundation Logo

Northern California DX Foundation

The Radio Club of America Web Hosting